Managing Your Ag Business After Covid-19

Maryland Farm Bureau and Howard County Economic Development Authority are proud to announce our new Agribusiness Forum: “Managing your Ag Business After Covid-19” featuring our main speaker Dr. Alex White- Ag Economics Professor at Virginia Tech. We are excited to open this program to all farmers, agriculture enthusiasts, beginning young farmers, or anyone interested in learning how to better manage their profits. This event will be held in person at the Howard County Fairgrounds in the Dining Hall on Thursday, January 13th, 2022 beginning @ 9:00AM.

Registration link: Register Here!

Below you will find our schedule for events. The cost for this event is $30/ticket which includes breakfast and a catered lunch menu. Feel free to contact Ryan Zimmerman- Central & Southern Regional Manager @ 717-398-7365 or Kathy Johnson- Howard County Agriculture Economic Development Specialist @ You can also contact our state office for assistance at 410-922-3426.

8:30 AM– Registration & Check-In

9:00 AM– Welcome & Introductions

9:10AM- Ag Enterprise Management 101
Dr. Alex White, Virginia Tech

11:00AM- Understanding Carbon Credit Marketing
Shelby Meyers, American Farm Bureau Federation

11:45AM- Value Added Agriculture: “Marketing your Ag Products with Passion”
Kate & Emmy Dallam, Broom’s Bloom Dairy

12:30PM- Lunch & Special thanks to event Sponsors

1:30PM- Labor Management/Harvesting Produce during COVID-19 and for the future
Butler, Butler’s Orchard

2:15PM- Panel Discussion: Ask your Questions for the Experts!
Moderated by Dr. Alex White featuring program

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